This is conveniently our final taper week leading up to the marathon on Saturday the 17th - St. Patty's Day - and the first week of our 24 week training plan! After a few weeks of struggling through workouts, I'm not feeling too confident in my ability to run those 26.2 miles. But, after some sound advice from others with much more experience than me, I have come to accept the fact that this marathon is not the ultimate. As much as I want to follow my marathon plan to a tee, I need to remember that this is just one test or "long workout" towards becoming an Ironman.
I try to set goals for every race that I do, so going into the marathon, I had expectations set for myself. But, now I'm wondering if it's worth pushing myself beyond a certain point just for a goal finish time to prove to myself and others that I am capable of doing this without looking like a wuss. Could just completing it be enough? Not in my eyes, I suppose. So, my aim is to run and finish the marathon comfortably without injury. We do have 23 more weeks of long training to get through. So, if I have to walk through aid stations or even during the race, so be it. I have 5.5 hours (I believe) to finish it before they pick my butt up and drive me to the back of the pack, if I fall behind. I'm confident I'll finish well ahead of that mark, but who knows - anything can happen!!
So, this week is the beginning of the end. The end of the marathon training (and looking forward to more bike rides like today); the end of my free, relaxing weekends of movie watching and wine drinking (if you know me, that didn't happen very often...I can't sit still); and the end of these dark training days. I feel like I have been running in the dark for decades! Yay to Daylight Savings and the spring/summer weather. I have certainly missed you! It will certainly be an interesting next two weeks - this one leading up to the marathon (which SHOULD be a taper, but no rest for the weary - ok maybe a little ;) ), and the week following the marathon. I will have to alter my training schedule slightly to give my legs some recovery, so that means mostly swims, bikes, some yoga and weight training. I'm hoping this will help whatever is ailing my knees at the moment. But, it'll be ALL IN after these first two "strange" weeks.
Just to give you the gist of things...
Week 1: Build
Mon: Swim - 2,000 drill workout
Tues: Bike/Run Brick - 70 min tempo ride; 15-20 min transition run
Wed: Swim - 3,500 yard aerobic work; Optional 60 min Bike
Thurs: Swim - 2,500 sprint work; Run - 45-60 min fartlek run; Weight Training
Fri: OFF!
Sat: Bike/Run Brick - 2-3 hour ride; 15-20 min transition run
Sun: Run - 50-70 mins; Weight Training
So, obviously I will not be doing all of those workouts this week. Otherwise, I will not make it through the marathon. But, this is the fun I have to look forward to over the next 6 months. I hope to keep up with the blog on a weekly basis to have a running log of our training adventures. Most likely on Sunday afternoon/evenings, when I'll be icing myself down with a glass of wine :) I hope you'll join me!!
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