Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thirsty Thursday - Green Tea style!

It's Thursday...and I'm thirsty!

I love smoothies.  So much so, that we splurged and bought a NICE Vitamix blender/food processor/dream machine.  I try to use it every morning - it's so quick to whip something up and then an easy cleaning process...and I'm out the door to work!

This morning, I created my own recipe using some Green Tea powder I received along with some various ingredients I found around the kitchen.

I figured the easiest thing was to add this powder to a smoothie for breakfast - maybe I'll bake with it over the weekend.  But, here's what I whipped together for my green smoothie this morning, which was DELISH!

Green Tea Protein Shake
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
  • 1 scoop/packet Vega French Vanilla protein mix (I am all out of my Juice Plus+ complete...for now!)
  • 1 tsp. Organic Matcha Green Tea powder
  • 2 large handfuls of greens (spinach, kale, anything from our farm share that week)
I threw all of that in the Vitamix, blended it for 30 seconds, and viola!  You have a delicious, filling, healthy smoothie!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Workout "WOD" Wednesday!

Ok, so even though I did the WOD today, this post is more about this upcoming weekend!  A few weeks ago, I bit the bullet and registered for my first Crossfit competition, which is now 3 days away: the Battle Royale!  It is put on by Crossfit 717, which is located in Harrisburg, but the competition is at Lebanon Valley College.

There will be 3 separate WODs that day:

WOD 1:
  • 5-3-1 Power Snatch, Bar Facing Burpee
    100 yard dash (50 there and 50 back)
  • 5-3-1 OHS, Bar Facing Burpee
    100 yard dash (50 there and 50 back)
  • 5-3-1 Power Cleans, Bar Facing Burpee
    100 yard dash (50 there and 50 back)
  • 5-3-1 Front Squats, Bar Facing Burpee
    100 yard dash (50 there and 50 back)
RX – 135/95
SCALED – 95/65

I have a decent power snatch, overhead squat, and power clean.  I can do front squats fine with 65#, but I don’t do them often and they can be awkward.  I also think my endurance/cardio engine is suited well for WODs with running throughout them.

Burpees - is that even a question?  Those followed by running will be a gasser.

WOD 2:
“The Triathlon”
  • 100m Swim (4 laps)
  • Rest 4 Minutes
  • 400m Track Sprint
  • 500m Row
Well, I can swim, I can run, and I can row.  What’s not to love about this one?  And triathlon is in the name…

Nada.  Maybe the rowing…technique could be worked on.

WOD 3:
  • 30 KB Swings (16kg)
  • 30 ft one arm front rack lunge
  • 30 pullups
  • 30 ft one arm front rack lunge
  • 30 double unders
  • 30 ft one arm front rack lunge
  • 30 toes to bar
I can do kettle bell swings, lunges, and double unders.  Hopefully I can fake my way through 30 pull ups and have enough time to make it to the TTB.

I don’t quite have my kipping pull up down, so I may end with the 30 pull ups in the 10 minute time cap.  We shall see…but no better place to work on it than there!

I am really excited to give this a shot - it will be such a different experience from triathlon racing, but just as exciting.  I’m not sure what to expect…

There will be few cheerleaders there as my gym is hosting a day of MURPH WODs.  Stupid me signed up for the competition completely forgetting MURPH was the same day.  So, if you are free Saturday and want to watch some people throw weight around, come out to LVC and cheer me on!!

So tell me:  Have you done a Crossfit competition?  What did you do to prepare the few days before?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Motivational Monday!

Monday is usually the most difficult day of the week, (although sometimes, I really believe Tuesday is).  Coming off a nice weekend visiting family and a longtime friend in Massachusetts, focusing on work after a weekend of sleep deprivation can be quite a challenge.
Monday can be a nice, fresh start to the week.  If you’re like me, I tend to think, “Ok, it’s the beginning of the week, so this is a good day to start anew”.  If it’s Tuesday, maybe.  Wednesday-Saturday, forget it.  So, since today is Monday, I decided to revive my sleepy blog.  Good thing it’s not Tuesday!
I’ve begun a new chapter in my life, so why not share about i on this Monday?!  I’ve decided to pursue a new avenue in life by studying to become a Certified Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  I haven’t been in school since…2006?  This will be a new challenge for sure!  I’m excited to share all the exciting things I’m learning and my journey along the way!  We are about a month into the program and it’s been a really great, reflective process about who you are, what factors affect your health and where you want to be in life.  While it is important to nourish your body with healthy food, you also need to look at the other factors in your life that are affecting you.  Do you have healthy relationships?  Are you enjoying and being fulfilled by your career?  These are the kinds of things IIN discusses, which is so different than anywhere else.  It’s a whole picture view of your life!
I’ve also began nutrition coaching with a great company called Nourish-Mint.  Check them out when you have a chance:  We provide whole food nutrition programs to suit everyone.

June is Men’s Health Month - so come on guys!!  Set goals for your health (not just for this month), but there’s never a better time to get a fresh start!

It’s never too late to start anew.  Today is the perfect day…!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Just found the wonderful site Bloglovin!  It can be quite overwhelming with all of the blogs out there these days, but this helps compile all of your favorites in one place!!  Why did I not know about this site sooner?!